1. Preparation: Gathering necessary things.
# Beeswax (purified or un-purified)
# Tea lights (for melting the wax)
# Cotton string (ordinary sewing string)
# Metal pot-like something (for melting, a metal cup will do)
# Metal stand
# Empty tea light trays (or something similar)
# Tea light wick holder
# A clip
2. Combine the "melting pod" as seen in the following image and melt the beeswax.
If you have beeswax in a large peace, like a brick or something, crack it into smaller peaces using awl by penetrating it in several places, close to each other and in a straight line. This way it will brake of much easier.
Using tea lights as a way to melt beeswax, has some advantages. For example the low burning temperature allows the wax to melt evenly, which removes the necessity to use pot-in-pot melting technique using water. And you don't have to use your kitchen or any traditional cooking utensil. You can do it outside if you don't like to fill the house with beeswax scent.
3. Next we'll have to make some wick's. You can chose between either a simple wick or a braided wick. Both of them have different pros and cons. A simple wick is much easier and faster to make, but it burns faster and not so evenly. The braided one is a bit time consuming, but it proves to be more long lasting and burn more evenly.
Either way take 12 to 15 cotton strings ( the length is you choice, but i use around 15 cm so I can make multiple wick's in one round), tie them at one end to stick or something you can use as a means to submerge the wick into melted wax.
When submerged into wax, hold it there for about a minute or so, or until the small bubbles stop coming up (if any). After that put it over the edge of the table and let the gravity do the rest of the work by straightening the wick.
4.In the mean time, prepare where you will pour the wax. As seen in the next image.
Finish the wick by pulling the hardened cotton wick through the tea light wick holder. Adjust the necessary height by cutting it. Use the pin to support the wick in the tray.
5. Finally pour the melted wax in the tray and let it settle and harden for approx. 12 hours.
TIP: Don't pour the wax to the top if you don't want the tea light to shrink upon hardening, but rather to it to stick to the edges of the tray real smooth.
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